With Valentine's Day well behind us, PPT is shifting the topic from Love to Love Handles as summer nears and we "firm up" our body toning and weight loss goals!
But don't struggle to drop the unhealthy and unsightly pounds; getting rid of love handles is no mystery for the Perfect Personal Training family and our top fitness and weight management educators.
Here are the 4 big steps necessary to trim your mid-section and look your BEST without the extra "Love":
#4. Longer Periods of Cardio

#3. The Right Sleep
Sleep is where your muscles and hormones get what they need to lead to successful fat loss. Have you ever really known anyone who was very consistently fit but who had poor sleep habits? Probably not!
Sleep in absolute darkness, avoid electronics for 30 minutes before bed, and keep the same bedtime and wake-time throughout the week to maximize your sleep quality and improve your body's fat-burning abilities!
#2. Macronutrients & Meal Planning
Sorry, but eating "healthy", alone, won't help you lose the love handles. If you're not familiar with macronutrients (or "macros" as they are commonly called), then it's important to know that everyone's "macros" are different, and that this term refers to the optimal amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that a person needs, based on many different factors. We can't just think about your total calories if we're going to be successful: We have to count your intake of these three macros and plan your intake accordingly.
Sounds hard? We'll lead the way to make it easy. This is truly an essential part of burning off the love handles and getting your mid-section sexy and slim!
PPT Meal Planning is free with our 40-Session Commitment Package (or charged at the regular rate per session for those not on a Commitment.)
#1. Consistent, Proper Strength Training
There is just no getting around it, friends: Your resting metabolism (the number of calories you burn to stay alive) is lower than it needs to be if you're not getting targeted, science-driven fitness sessions at least three or four times per week.
This means consistency (making up for vacations, sick days, etc), the right intensity (usually 65-85% of your capacities), the right rest periods, and the right combination of exercises.
What's stoppoing you? Your Perfect Personal Trainer and our clinical research team have your answers to make each decision optimal!
We're committed to your transformation! Comment or contact us with questions so that we can take this information and apply it to your lifestyle, your needs, and your goals.
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HEALTHY200 expires this Sunday, March 11th at 11:59PM!
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