The difference between lean, toned, seemingly-have-it-all people and those who struggle with fitness is not a giant leap.
When you barely want something to happen, it doesn't happen.
When you somewhat want something to happen, it doesn't happen well.
But, when you crave something... That's where the sacrifices stop feeling like sacrifices and start feeling like empowerment.
In fact, the steps to having a lean, trim body - to awesome muscle toning - to high energy levels and to an upbeat, confident personality, are all less critical than what we really need:
Motivation, at your fingertips, to keep your eye on the prize and moving forward through any obstacle!
Didn't sleep well? Worked late? Stomach upset? Problems at home?
These 3 steps to fast motivation will help you dig deeper, think clearer, and keep your health & fitness first:
#3. Remember The Consequences!
Remember how bad your back felt when you went a week without a fitness session?
Remember how lethargic you feel when you over-eat?
Remember the family member who suffered a heart attack?
Decisions have consequences, but we sometimes remember these too little too late.
Take two minutes now to make your own personalized list of consequences to avoid, and put it in your car, or in your phone or on the refrigerator... Anywhere to keep you reminded of what you avoid by sticking to your fitness and wellness program.
#2. Positive Self-Talk!
It's important to turn negative self-talk into positive.
While you might think, "My trainer's coming over and now I have to exercise when I'd rather watch TV", the other side of the coin is the one to focus on:

"My fitness session is less than an hour, and I get so much done for myself in that time."
"I know that every time I work out, I'm keeping my heart strong and my cholesterol healthy."
Statements like these encourage positive behaviors and will improve your mood during those healthy behaviors.
PPT health coaches recommend actually declaring positive talk such as this out loud, multiple times.
The more you say and think it, the easier it will be to make the right choices.
And, the number 1 step to FAST MOTIVATION is.......
#1. Keep Your Eye On the Prize!
This is the most commonly-used phrase at Perfect Personal Training, and with GOOD REASON!
The only way to achieve a goal is to stay focused on that goal and respect the steps it takes to get there!
You're not exercising to perform walking lunges, dead-lifts or shoulder-presses....
You're exercising to reach your personal fitness goals, and to make your heart, bones and joints healthy. Whatever your goals are, they have been accomplished by others and can be accomplished by YOU!
Perfect Personal Trainers often recommend that you keep pictures available of what you want to look like (or of what you used to look like).
Keep them by your bed or in the room where you exercise, or even in your purse, wallet or phone.
We also suggest that you keep other incentivizers, such as any previous and favorable medical records or bodyfat scores, or a pair of pants you'll fit back into. If it's emotive, it can be a tremendous motivator for your success!
It's time to get serious, get motivated, and get fit!!
Add 40 awesome sessions to your fitness program at an incredible savings with code HEALTHY200, available for one last time...
this weekend only!
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