Do you find yourself feeling diminished by the less-attractive parts of the your body?

On one hand, it's important to love yourself, no matter what you look like. On the other, it's time to get healthier and address your "problem areas" once and for all!
"The term problem areas usually refers to areas of excess bodyfat", explains Brian Walters, exercise physiologist and long-time staff manager with Pefect Personal Training. "Sometimes, the term refers to a particular lack or normal musculature. Example of this are very skinny legs or arms, or poor posture."

"First, it's best to identify what the problem really is," begins Val Fiott, health coach, PPT director and regular contributor for the American Council on Exercise. "It's not always obvious whether the solution is fat loss, muscle growth, or both. Flabby arms, for example, really don't require the conditioning of those muscles, but rather a fat-loss solution, as the flab is excess bodyfat."
But don't we need to tone muscles in problem areas?
"It's helpful, but it's not always the key solution. The muscles, themselves, aren't the big problem when it comes to flabby or saggy areas," continues Fiott. "Rather, we need to burn the fat that surrounds them."
"One thing we'd like our clients to know is that the ability to spot-reduce is a myth," explains Walters. "Exercise won't melt fat in one specific area. Fat loss happens throughout the body."
So what do we do with problem areas that require fat loss?
"The bad news is that we can't isolate where we burn fat," begins Fiott. "The good news is that when we're using the right formulas, we can burn a lot of fat in a short time, throughout all areas of the body that have excess fat. In short, if there's unslightly, unnecessary bodyfat in any given part of your body, we can burn it off with the right PPT program, consisting of meal planning, cardiovascular exercise, strength conditioning, and flexibility."
A common, general starter plan for healthy adults is outlined as follows:
- At least 30 minutes of pain-free cardiovascular exercise (swimming, elliptical, biking preferred) four or more times weekly, at approximately 60-70% of your maximum heart-rate (determined through testing)
- At least one warm-up set of strength exercise for each muscle group at a low intensity (to approximately 15 reps), followed by at least one moderate-to-high intensity set for each muscle group (approximately 8-15 repetitions to fatigue)
- generally 1200-1500 calories per day, depending upon body size and exercise volume (protein specifics, fat specifics and nutrient timing all assessed by PPT)
- 30 seconds or more of flexibility per muscle group following exercise
"Generally speaking, a person will benefit from total-body strength training, " begins Walters. "But, if they don't have the time or the commitment, we can write a plan to target mainly the muscles that are weaker than normal. Usually, just once or twice per week for about 15 minutes will produce moderate results if the client has good heart health and if their joints are flexible and strong enough to support the required movements."
PPT weight management coaches, personal trainers and nutritionists are all eager to help! If you're NOT yet a client, then request your free consultation. Already a client? Reach client services director Val Fiott to discuss your goals and the scientific aspects of your program at (877)698-3648 ext 7018.
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