Saturday, June 15, 2019

Top 3 Workout Mistakes / Save $100 on Personal Training

The greatest value of a PPT fitness program isn't counting reps or keeping you accountable.  

It's not even bringing our wide variety of changing equipment or giving you the "pep talks" needed to make each session count.

More than any other benefit, PPT keeps your program's evolution appropriate - introducing the right components in the right way at the right times.  

We've interviewed 10 of our top fitness coaches and asked them where people without a PPT program tend to go wrong the most.  Their collaborative answers provided tremendous insight that we think can help everybody reading this:

#3.  Nutrition and recovery methods:

Recovery is one of the most critical and overlooked parts of any fitness and wellness program. 

Left to their own decision-making, most people will finish an intense workout and miss the necessary opportunities to aid the body's recovery.  This not only minimizes the benefit of a workout, but it actually impedes the next one from being more beneficial.  

Have you ever had an injury but were not quite sure of the cause?  This is often due to failing to effectively stretch muscles that need it after a vigorous workout, or failing to properly foam roll or "release" muscles and connective tissue from stresses. 

Post-workout fat burning, joint recovery, and muscle growth also all depend on treating your muscles right after exercise, and those rely on getting the right selection of nutrients, hydration, and sleep factors as well.  Most people who don't engage with an in-depth, science-minded program miss huge opportunities to avoid injury and prepare readily for their next workout. 

#2.  Intensity selection:

All ten PPT providers that we spoke with named this as a key problem for exercisers everywhere.  The muscles, heart, lungs, bones and joints all require just the right amount of intensity to better themselves.  Too little is a waste of time, and too much can damage them. 

The understanding of how much intensity is just enough and how much is overkill literally takes years of schooling to deeply comprehend.

Gyms and boot camps are full of people using less-than-ideal weights or moving at the wrong speeds for ultimate success.  Think about what makes a top athlete versus a moderate one. Is it luck? Genetics? Or, is it the science behind the ever-changing decisions? The resistance placed on the energy systems and musculoskeletal system is key to avoiding injury while maximizing success.

#1.  Last-minute adjustments:

A very common theme from all of our trainers is that they never follow their written plan 100% or even 50%, because so much changes in the heat of a fitness session. 

Client's sleep, nutrition, frame of mind, and many other factors all play into their abilities and capacities, and only a well-trained professional can interpret the clues and capitalize optimally to get the biggest results in the shortest amount of time.

PPT fitness leaders are experts in those last-minute tweaks that make a stretch, cardiovascular exercise or strength protocol find just the right modification to be maximally safe and beneficial.  

Now through July 1st, save an additional $100 on any 
paid-in-full 40-Session Commitment Package

Monday, January 7, 2019

F.I.T.T. Exercise Programming with Perfect Personal Training

All exercise is not created equal!

While fitness classes can be a fun way to get motivated and exercise with friends, the FITT principles of your workout are not yours, but someone else's.

FITT refers to the four critical variables that make up an exercise session.  If the variables are ideal, you get the BEST bang for your buck and use of your time.  When they aren't, there is a higher risk for injury and there is just plain less productivity.

FITT stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

The last one, "Type", is the one most people connect with:  "What exercise am I doing?" Whether it's sprints, lunges, the overhead press or any other form of exercise, the "type" only tells us what the exercise is and nothing else. It is the other three points below that make the difference between BIG results or little ones, and between SAFETY and risk.

The first variable, "Frequency", refers to the frequency at which you're accomplishing the exercise. Performing an exercise once per month certainly has smaller benefits than accomplishing it three times per week.  Each of your fitness goals and each point of preventive health has its own ideal frequency for a given exercise.  Your Perfect Personal Trainer helps you to not only do the right exercise (the "type") for a given goal, but at a frequency that is safe and highly beneficial.

The second refers to the "Intensity" at which you're doing something.  These recommendations are all based on a percentage of your estimated capacity. 

If the maximum weight that you can squat is your bodyweight plus 30 additional pounds, then it's PPT's job to program the right percentage of that intensity in each workout.  Some strategies involve a variety of intensities, often ranging from 50% to 90% of your capacity. This level of planning and education is what has made PPT so successful for over 14 years.

Finally, we discuss the "Time" you spend on an exercise.  This is measured in repetitions, minutes or seconds.  Many of our clinically-driven endurance strategies involve a longer amount of time (ie, 15-20 repetitions, or even several minutes of a given exercise) whilst the text behind strength enhancement often suggests shorter periods of time.  

Other variables that factor into PPT decision-making include medical factors, personal preference, and the amount of time we have in a session.  Perfect Personal Trainers throughout the country are balancing our clients' needs and prioritizing their session time to maximize benefits while minimizing risk.

Visit us today at or call (877)698-3648