Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Home Cardio Equipment Under $200 On Amazon

Tired of huge, expensive equipment like treadmills and stair climbers?

Perfect Personal Trainers are often asked what our suggestions are for in-home cardiovascular equipment. Val Fiott is our Client Services Director, Research Coordinator, and is a regular contributor for the American Council on Exercise's exam writing.  Below, Val gives his list of the five best cardio devices we found for under $200 on Amazon:

#1: Vertical Climber

"My first choice is the Vertical Climber.  For fat burning, you want to engage as many limbs as possible.  The vertical climber is a helpful choice because you'll use many major areas simultaneously, and it'll spread out your workload so it feels easier."
Buy It Now: Only $199!  Prime available

#2: Exerpeutic Air Elliptical

 "The Exerpeutic is a comfortable, smooth ride that I think is actually FUN!  It may not have the range-of-motion of the previous machine, but this is especially great for TV watchers or to do during phone calls because the bodymechanics are small and require less focus."

Buy It Now: 
Only $89!  Prime available

#3: Stamina Body Trac Glider - Rowing Machine

"Rowing machines have long been considered to be the best kind of cardiovascular exercise.  The Body Trac helps to improve posture, works the core, and won't aggravate bad knees or hips. It's also a nice change of pace from common gym equipment and is very durable."
Buy It Now: Only $130!  Prime available

#4: Elliptical-Bike

"This elliptical-bike is a nice choice for people with spinal problems, compression issues, or who have medical reasons to sit down during aerobic exercise.  This is another really low-cost, light-weight way to keep up with your cardiovascular needs at home."
Buy It Now: Prime available

#5: Sunny Health - Rowing Machine

"Here is a much cheaper rowing machine that will do the trick just as well as the Body Trac Glider, above. This one is not as designed for comfort, but you can't beat a price this low. I recommend this to anyone looking to save money and take on a different form of cardiovascular work at home."
Buy It Now: Prime available

Or, Do Cardio With NO Equipment!

4 simple ways to get cardio without machines!

Not yet a PPT client?  Request your free consultation

Questions about in-home fitness with PPT?  Call Val Fiott at (877)6980-3648 x 7018