Monday, January 25, 2016

5 BIGGEST Weight Loss Obstacles

We all want fewer obstacles to our fat burning.  After all, there is hardly enough time in a busy day to get in half the exercise and meal planning that we need.  So, why get slowed down?

Obstacle #5 - Ab exercises:  Contrary to popular belief, exercising your abdominal muscles (the "stomach area") isn't really going to burn much body fat at all.  Caloric intake and vigorous, rythmic large-limb exercise are the keys to fat burning successfully.  See more on this in this PPT video!

Obstacle #4 - Intensity selection:  Casual walks, some extra stair-climbing at work, and being generally more active are all helpful steps forward; but for great long-standing contributions, your heart-rate needs to be within the appropriate zone for you, your health history, and your current levels of fitness.

Obstacle #3 - Exercise duration:  If you're not achieving the 2-pound-per-week fat loss that science expects from a well-crafted program, then one issue is likely the total duration of exercise.  Twenty to thirty minutes can be helpful for the heart, blood vessels and lungs, but significant fat loss (enough to make you happy) often doesn't begin until the 40th or 50th minute.  While this varies based on nutrition, hormones and other factors, you may need to exercise for over an hour at a time before you start regularly hitting your targets for fat loss.  Our greatest fat loss successes, by far, come from clients who choose our 90-minute sessions.

Obstacle #2 - Sleep:  Sleep quality and quantity both have an awfyu lot to do with fat loss success.  Why?  Because the hormones that are a big factor in weight loss/management are actually suppressed when deep sleep is minimal.  Aim for a minimum of six hours per night, preferably more, in total darkness.

Obstacle #1 - Metabolism:  While the practice of "calories in, calories out" is crucial, your metabolism is the critical factor between fast results and slow results.  Fortunately, we have tremendous control over your metabolic rate.  Protien intake, muscle strategies, herbal consumption, and meal timing all boost metabolism when implemented with the appropriate care.  This all falls under the category of health coaching and is included free on non-session days to those who purchase our 40-session commitment packages for fitness training,  Please reply or call to learn more!

Perfect Personal Training employs the highest standard of fitness and wellness science, with degreed, certified professionals of exceptional experience.  To request your free consultation and fitness/health-risk assessment, visit http://perfectpersonaltraining,com

Testimonials, rates, and much more company information is all available online!

Monday, January 11, 2016

5 Exercises That Are More Harm Than Good

"Any exercise is good exercise, right?"

"Every little bit helps, right?"

Well, not always...

Not all exercises are created equal!

Below is our important list of 5 exercise strategies that are more harm than good!

#5:  Sit-ups:  While an old staple of fitness training, this exercise actually creates tremendous stress (unhealthy stress) on the hips and spine.  While the abdominals can get a decent workout with this exercise, it's just not worth the damaging forces that it also creates.  Crunches are better (though still not quite ideal for most), and there are a slew of other core conditioning strategies that are very safe and very effective when performed for the right duration.

#4: Super-Fast Strength Training:  This is a common trend, but exercising "as fast as you can" is more stressful on the joints and muscles than it is helpful.  Unless your joints are highly-adapted to the stresses working against them, this super-fast training should generally be segmented into only certain parts of each exercise.  For example, pushups can be performed fast on the way up, but not on the way down.

#3:  Running:  Contrary to popular opinion, running creates a lot of stress on the ankles, hips, low back, bones and other areas.  Do we need it for cardiovascular training?  Not at all.  Swimming, the elliptical, and total-body aerobics are just as helpful on the heart and lungs without all the danger.

#2:  Jumping Jacks:  For the same reasons as listed in #3 above, jumping jacks create negative forces for most.  Why risk it?  Move on to "walking jacks" or similar aerobic exercises such as kicks, shadow-boxing or other such movements without jumping, pounding or heavy impact.

#1:  Deep Squatting:  We see this a lot - squatting into a position where the upper leg (femur) is not parallel to the floor, and to where the butt gets close to the floor.  Why is this so dangerous?  While its true that the muscles see a bit more conditioning, the knee joints go through a very unhealthy stress on the way back up from such a low position.  This ages the knee prematurely.  While some bodies can handle it well decade after decade, most do not.  Play it safe and limit your squatting to 90 degrees at the knees.  They'll thank you for it in the long run.

Questions about your PPT program?  Looking to get more involved in stress relief, heart health, core conditioning, or other aspects of health and wellness science?  We are here to help!  Call (877)698-3648 and dial 7018 for our client services director and national health coach.  We look forward to your success!