After a long history of painful hip problems with seemingly no medical remedy, Michigan resident Sandra Wright became a PPT client in the spring of 2014. After a year with PPT, we sat down with Sandra to get her story and insight as to how she came to Perfect Personal Training and how her life has changed as a result.
"I was having hip pain down my left leg and had gone to the doctor", she began. "I was told it was a nerve issue and [that] there wasn't much that could be done, but that maybe physical therapy would help."
When asked of her lifestyle and fitness decisions at that point in time, Sandra explains, "I was striving to be healthier before coming to PPT. I did some exercising; mostly running. I wanted to make a change, but wasn't sure [of] the right way. I did run or walk regularly and tried to watch calories but [I] was not paying enough attention to [my] carbs and [dietary] fat content."
What led Sandra to initiating a Perfect Personal Training program? Had she considered other fitness or wellness groups also?
"I had hired a trainer in 2009 at a gym but going there was not always convenient and I don't think my 30-minute sessions [there] were very successful in adjusting my lifestyle with food and exercise. I joined PPT because I wanted a change and wanted to do it right. The company was well-rounded with its approach and PPT's home sessions worked great
for me."
So, how has Sandra felt since initiating her PPT wellness program?
"I am stronger, I can tell!", exclaimed Sandra. "I feel more energized and my hip pain is almost non-existent now. Melissa, my PPT professional, researched the pain and worked on specific exercises for me to strengthen my muscles.
I have not felt sluggish; [but instead] more energized by Melissa!! Anything that seems like an obstacle she helps me work through it. I watch my [macronutrients] closely now and I am more disciplined with my workout plan weekly."
When asked to describe her relationship with Melissa, her Perfect Personal Trainer, Sandra was happy to provide the great news:
"Melissa is great! She's enthusiastic, caring and a great listener to feedback I give her. She's genuinely interested in my health and checks on me between appointments to ensure I have no issues. I know her enthusiasm has made me more driven in my workouts."
When asked what her greatest accomplishments with PPT have been, Sandra cites that conquering her hip pain and correcting her diet are her greatest achievements, then adding, "I have more energy now -- which was a big deal for me."
With these successes firm, what fitness or wellness goals lay ahead for Sandra?
"I want to build my stamina and strength," she explains, "and continue to set goals: especially with my core next. Melissa is helping me
build core strength now."
Our final question for Sandra asked for specific ways that PPT has been different from the fitness solutions of Sandra's past.
"PPT listens, follows up and sets a plan for me, not just one size fits all. Both [Client Services Director] Val Fiott and [my trainer] Melissa have been great with my desire to make a lifestyle change."
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with us, Sandra! We're grateful to have you as one of our valued clients.
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Questions? Speak directly with our Client Services Director by calling (877)698-3648 ext 7018. Val and the Client Services Department are happy to help new clients as they begin their programs.